What is fibbage enough about you
What is fibbage enough about you

what is fibbage enough about you what is fibbage enough about you what is fibbage enough about you

Honestly I would love for George, Dream and Quackity to at some point play something like trivia about George so we get competitive q + d, George loving two simps trying to prove themselves to him, and q + d being simps cause we are talking about the guy who often takes it upon himself to prove how much he knows George and guy who proclaimed to love him more than Karl and sending him good morning messages every day Quackity instead has personality of someone who often likes having discussions while at the same time maintaining his playful attitude and isn't afraid to just. For Dream it's also probably enjoyable and something new although also a tad bit annoying lmao usually people just don't have the energy to argue with Dream, don't care enough or just want to be a good sport like that one time in who wants to be millionaire stream that kinda robbed George and want to move on. I loved Quackity and Dream arguing after George's dethroning especially when Dream was just rambling and arguing only for Quackity to laugh and say: no, I disagree with everything you just said 😌 I honestly think that Quackity likes railing Dream up because it's funny for him and he likes arguing and debating in general so he just does it whenever he can, it's even by simple stuff like that one time on with George when they were playing all this broken games and during that one with operation he started saying things like "forget about Dream" or in that recent fnaf one when he went "oooh what would Dream say?" after he said George was blowing him kisses.

What is fibbage enough about you